
Tuesday, 20 March 2018

Walt: Use google drawings to create an Infographic about 'Caring for our chromebooks'

Walt: Use google drawings to summarise a story we have read

Walt: Use google spreadsheets to create a bar graph

Our Learning Goals for Term 1, 2018


We are so fortunate to have a fabulous partnership with KPMG every year they kindly provide our students with Easter EGGS.  Not only is it Dhiveer's birthday but she also gets to eat her Easter goodies..........YUM!

Counties Manukau Sport

Every Wednesday since the beginning of the term, Room one has had the opportunity to participate in a 30 minute sport session with Counties Manukau. This is a session we all look forward to!! So far we have learnt about how to play softball and now we are learning about tag. Check out some of the students in action!!