
Monday, 25 November 2019

Our Senior St John First Aid course

A big thank you to Sue from St John's for coming out to teach us about CPR

Our First Aid Session

The Senior students in the learning hub learnt about Adult CPR

D - dangers, ensure safety of yourself, others and the patient.

R - response, check response using voice and touch

S - send for help - if there is no response, call 111 and as for the Ambulance

A - airway - tilt the head back and lift the chin.

B - breathing, look, listen and feel for normal breathing

C - commence CPR - If not breathing normally: Place two hands in the centre of the chest.  Push              down HARD and FAST 30 times, then give 2 breaths.  Continue until the ambulance arrives.

D - defibrillation - Attach and AED (defibrillator) if available and follow the instructions