
Tuesday, 22 September 2015

Can we solve it?

Hi Room 5.
I have your drawing pins and I am holding them to Ransom.

You can have them back if you can estimate how many there are in the bag?

Oh and you have to tell me how you worked out your solution.

Here are two pictures to help your thinking.

Sorry Moira but I'm light fingered.


  1. Hi Dave,
    Room 5 have been practising their timestables. We estimated there were 5 drawing pins across the bag and 5 drawing pins down the bag. So we did 5x5=25. We also noticed that there was a clue on the bag to show us that one of the numbers had a 5. So our answer is 25 drawing pins. Are we right??

  2. You made a very good guess. I think i didn't help with the camera angles for the picture. Keep up with that great estimating. Dave
